Monday, October 24, 2011

Faster eyelash growth and generic Latisse

Beautiful eyes make the whole personality beautiful. Who would not like to have the magnetic, dazzling eyes that make everyone gaze at you? It’s every woman’s secret desire to have beautiful eyes with thick, long eyelashes. Considering eye color, eye shape the important factor is the eyelashes that make eyes incredibly beautiful. Eyelash growth is a natural process and it depends on number of factors. Thus everyone have different rate of eyelash growth and the thickness and length varies from person to person. But there are ways to get long and thick eyelashes. It is possible with eyelash growth enhancer products. Generic Latisse is the well known product that is used widely. Eyelash growth also depends on the type of diet you take, life style issues such as smoking or alcohol addiction, health issues or psychological problems. Considering these factors one should try to sort out these issues before you buy generic Latisse. This is the ophthalmic solution made of bimatoprost. Eyelash growth becomes faster if you take good diet and keep yourself health with regular exercise. Generic Latisse works by increasing the duration of growth phase of the eyelashes and thus helps in quicker eyelash growth.

Factors affecting eyelash growth

Like I mentioned before eyelash growth becomes easier and faster if you take nutritious diet along with using generic Latisse. A diet rich in vitamin and minerals shows very good results in growing eyelashes faster and gives other benefits also to you. More protein in diet helps to make your hair becomes fuller. The same experience you get with eyelash growth when you eat fruits and vegetables having plenty of vitamin A and E. The inner well being can be seen on the outer surface. Healthy diet brings lot of benefits and improved eyelash growth is in your favor. Along with it regular exercise improves digestion that helps to absorb the nutrients effectively giving you radiant beauty and health. The effect of generic Latisse can be seen earlier if you are on good diet and exercising regularly. Avoid smoking and alcohol as they do nothing good to your body. Long and thick eyelashes are the fantasy of many women. If you are not lucky to born with beautiful eyelashes then get eyelash growth enhancer products such as generic Latisse. This product helps to get thicker eyelashes without putting much effort.

Generic Latisse for eyelash growth

Generic Latisse is chemically composed of bimatoprost. This is available as ophthalmic solution which is generally used to treat an eye disorder known as glaucoma. But when it is applied topically it promotes eyelash growth. One should purchase Latisse after consulting with the doctor. This is to avoid any complications that may arise if you use this medication on your own. A special care has to be while applying the bimatoprost solution over the eyelashes. You need to use generic Latisse only once in a day and as directed by the doctor. Avoid using it in larger dosages for faster eyelash growth as this might cause adverse effects instead of eyelash growth. Any medication takes specific time to work on the problem. Thus you need to keep patience while using generic Latisse for eyelash growth.

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